Nutrition Support
We are a team of specialist dietitians and provide personalised consultations in eating disorders and disordered eating and digestive issues.
What we do best.
We are passionate about helping people improve their relationship with food, overcome their eating disorder and find food freedom. We understand how daunting it can be reaching out for help, so please know we aren't here to judge. Having a disordered relationship with food is not something to be embarrassed about. We see you and we have helped hundreds of people with similar experiences to you.
How can we help?
We specialise in supporting people with:
Clinical eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and OSFED
Orthorexia & clean eating
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) & fussy eating
Disordered eating and improving relationship with food
Neurodiversity and eating difficulties (ADHD & Autism Spectrum Condition)
Digestive issues arising from eating issues
Weight restoration support
Sports nutrition
Overcoming compulsive exercise/physical activity
Hypothalamic Amenorrhea & RED-S
We support people aged 16+ years and can offer support to family or friends.
All of our Dietitians have experience working in the NHS in mental health and/or eating disorders. We will work closely with any other health professionals (such as a psychologist or GP) to give you the best support possible.
All our sessions are online. You can read our clinic FAQ here
What are the steps I need to take to work with your team?
Step 1: Send an Enquiry Form to our lovely team to let us know what support you need. We will get back to you within two business days with information about our services
Step 2: Book a discovery call with one of our dietitians to ask questions about how we can support you and anything else that we might not have covered on our FAQ page. Your dietitian will ask questions about your history (what led you to enquire), what your goals are and about your physical/mental health so that they can offer suggestions about the how our clinic can support you and if online outpatient support is the best fit for you.
Step 3: Book an initial assessment with one of our dietitians. Following your appointment, your dietitian will write a comprehensive dietetic assessment letter which will include their recommendations for support. Your dietitian will be able to suggest the frequency of follow up sessions and other services that our team could provide (such as meal support or our group program). ​
Step 4: Book your follow up session/s. This is where the magic happens and healing your relationship with food and body begins!
Do you know someone that has recovered from an
eating disorder and regretted it?
We don't.
Team Availability
Fully Booked
Adults 18+ years
Fully Booked
​Adults 18+ years
Accepting new clients
Young people & adults 16+ years
Accepting new clients
Adults 18+ years
Accepting new clients
Adults 18+ years
Accepting new clients
Adults 18+ years