Group Meal Support
We are so excited to bring our group meal support services to you soon! We don't know of any online eating disorder clinics in the UK currently offering this service in an outpatient setting... so it is quite special and we feel honoured to support you!
Why group meal support?
Meal support is exactly what it sounds like. It is a session that you join to eat a meal or snack and receive support and encouragement to complete the meal. Eating disorders can be isolating, and many people don’t have access to eat a meal with someone, or to eat with someone who is able to role model normal and healthy eating.
Eating enough food to heal and recover can be a challenge in itself! This is where our online meal support sessions come in.
We created this service to close the gap between where meal support is currently offered (mostly in inpatient or day patient settings) and where it also needs to be! We want to offer this service so that people can access meal support as an outpatient too.
All of our sessions are facilitated by a specialist eating disorder dietitian from the TCN team and you will be joined by up to three other like-minded individuals in recovery to eat a meal or snack together in an accountable and diet culture free environment!
The purpose of these group meal support sessions is to connect with people who understand your eating difficulties in a safe environment where you can be supported and held through food challenges.​
Our meal support sessions are just one aspect of your recovery journey. We encourage you to continue seeking support from qualified health professionals, such as a therapist, dietitian or psychiatrist to address your individual needs and goals.

What groups do you offer?
We offer two different groups as part of our meal support services:
Meal support (breakfast, lunch or dinner) - 45 minute groups
Snack support (time dependent on dietitian availability) - 30 minute groups
Both the meal and snack group support is available to purchase in packages of three sessions.

How can we help?
Provide accountability between sessions
Provide a non-judgmental and compassionate meal environment
Challenge eating disorder rules and fear foods with people who "get it"
We will role model normal eating behaviours and be on hand to answer your questions
You will have access to a specialist dietitian who can support you to challenge eating disorder thoughts and behaviours in the moment
Develop a tool box of coping strategies for before, during and after meals
Set specific food challenges as a group or individually, which you can build on week to week
​Know that you aren't alone, re-learning to nourish your body in recovery is tough and can be a shared experience
Who is group meal support for?
Group meal support might be helpful if you:
Are 18+ years of age and are receiving support from a dietitian in the TCN Clinic or external support from a treatment team
Are looking for accountability and support during meal and snack times
Have specific foods that you are struggling to include back into your diet, with the current support you have available to you
Are not receiving higher level care (IOP, day patient, inpatient care)
Are medically stable. Please note that this will be assessed during the Meal Support Assessment
Group meal support is not suitable if you:
Have any identified swallowing issues or undergoing a specific therapy for feeding or co-morbid conditions e.g. ERP for OCD or SOS type approach for ASC or ARFID
Are actively engagement in significant compensatory behaviors (please consider reaching out to the TCN team to enquire about individual meal support sessions)
Are working through the initial stages of re-feeding syndrome management
Are losing weight or trying to control weight below what is healthy for you

What are the steps I need to take to join group meal support?
Step 1: Join our waiting list and you will be the first to know when our doors open for the group meal support sessions. Once our services are ready to book, we will get back to you with information about how to book a Meal Support Assessment
Step 2: Book a Meal Support Assessment with one of our dietitians. This is a condensed version of a dietetic assessment, specific for the meal support group. Our dietitian will ask questions about your history (what led you to enquire), what your goals are, if there are any specific behaviours you want support to challenge or food rules you would like to overcome. At the end of the assessment, your dietitian will let you know if you can join the group sessions, or if individual meal support will be better suited.
Step 3: If group meal support is suitable, you can book a block of 3 meal/snack support sessions and find a time that works for you! We will send you a consent form and a couple of other forms to sign before your first session. This is to ensure that you have acknowledged and agreed to the meal support group guidelines and expectations. ​
Step 4: See you in session! This is where the magic happens and challenging your thoughts and behaviours and taking action to overcome food rules and food fears begins!
Challenge eating disorder thoughts and behaviours in the moment with people who understand how hard it can be!
What happens in the meal support assessment? The first step to joining our meal support sessions is to meet with one of our team dietitians and complete an assessment to ensure that the meal support sessions are appropriate. It will be a place to discuss your goals and what the sessions will look like in more detail. To ensure your safety and that the meal support sessions are right for you, the dietitian will assess that it is suitable to join the sessions from a medical and safety perspective, which is aligned with our inclusion and exclusion criteria (please see our website for more information). For example, anyone who is assessed to be at risk of developing refeeding syndrome, is engaging in significant compensatory behaviours or self harm or requires higher level care, will not be suitable to join the meal support sessions. Individual (1:1) meal support might be offered as an alternative to support.
What if I’m not at the same place as others if I join group meal support? That’s okay! We understand this and you can discuss this with your dietitian about how to tailor the meal/snack to suit what stage you are at. If you need assistance in making a decision or planning the meal/snack you can reach out to your dietitian in advance of the session.
How many people will be in the group meal support sessions? There is a maximum of 5 people in the group meal support sessions (1 x dietitian and 4 x people in recovery - including you). We want to keep the groups small and intimate so that you get a chance to connect with other group members as well.
What will happen during the session? Other than completing your meal/snack, this is a time to chat, ask questions and if you like, to play a game or other activity with the group. If your dietitian notices any eating disorder behaviours (see below) they might prompt you to notice these. Please know that you aren’t in trouble if this happens, we know that the eating disorder might be giving you a really hard time, and sometimes you might not notice that you are engaging in an eating disorder behaviour. If needed, your dietitian can provide a prompt that there is 5 minutes left in the meal/snack to ensure that you are able to finish on time.
How long will I have to complete the meal/snack? The meal support session is up to 50 minutes in length, with 5-10 minutes to check in at the beginning of the session, 30 minutes to complete the meal and 5-10 minutes at the end to reflect and debrief. The snack support session is up to 30 minutes in length, with 5 minutes to check in at the beginning of the session, 10-15 minutes to complete the snack and 5-10 minutes at the end to reflect and debrief.
Will the dietitian be eating as well? Yes! This is one of the most helpful parts of group meal support. The dietitian is there to role model normal eating and will join with a balanced meal or snack. This might be different to what you are eating, or the same, if the group have decided to challenge a specific meal or snack together.
Will I receive individual support during the group? Unfortunately, do to the nature of the group, individualised advice will not be possible. The dietitian will be able to provide individual prompts and feedback about the meal/snack, however, group meal support is not to replace individualised dietetic sessions. The TCN team provide individual meal support services to clients receiving 1:1 nutrition counselling within the TCN Clinic. If you would like to enquire about individual meal support sessions or about receiving 1:1 nutrition counselling, please get in touch
How much do the sessions cost? Meal Support Assessment (up to 45 minutes) £100 (*new TCN clients only*) Group meal support £120 (for 3 sessions) Group snack support £75 (for 3 sessions)